Tuesday, 4 September 2018

How to Get Top-Quality Shots With a DSLR

Whether you are a professional DSLR user or a novice, shooting film with DSLR camera is fun. Everybody wants to shoot top-quality videos, but the question that strikes the doors of our minds is "How"?. In this post, we'll talk about the tips that will help you get top-quality shots.  

1. Consider ISO

One of the important things you need to consider is ISO. It helps determine how sensitive a camera is to the light. As a rule of thumb, the higher the  ISO, the brighter your image will be. If you are shooting without having adequate light, consider using a higher ISO.  However, if you are shooting in daylight, then keep your ISO number low. The best thing is that you can raise and lower the ISO as per your needs.  

2. Don't Forget Aperture

Another thing to consider is Aperture. It helps to handle the light reaching the image sensor. Always keep this in mind, the smaller the number is, the more open the aperture will be. Talking about a scenario, if you are shooting outside, then you need to close the aperture to a large number.  

3. The speed of the Shutter

The shutter speed helps to evaluate the time the camera sensor is exposed to light. Keep this in mind, the longer the shutter is open, the more light will hit the sensor. With a faster shutter speed, you can freeze motion, resulting in producing a crisper image. Hence, it's important for you to find the aperture you want to choose, and then adjust your ISO as per your needs.  

4. Color  Temperature and White Balance

To get top-quality shoot, try matching the white balance preset to the light color you are shooting with. For instance, if you are shooting in daylight, then go for the sun icon. On the contrary, if you are shooting under fluorescent lights, use the bulb icon.  

5. Consider Different Lenses

It is important for you to consider two different lenses. Having a fixed lens will allow you to produce a better picture, which means you will get sharper images, good focusing speed, and most importantly, you will be more artistic. 
Coming to the zoom lens, it is quite suitable for on-the-fly shooting. It will help you get a multitude of perspectives from a single location.  

6. Choose Frame Sizes and Rate

With a DSLR, you will have an extensive range of frame rates and sizes. However, having 1920*1080 is considered as an ideal option. This will allow you to capture top-quality shots and they will look great when displayed on a large monitor.

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